We all want a beautiful, white and healthy smile. However, most of us don’t know what to avoid or what steps to take in order to maintain it.
Our teeth are always subject to physical and chemical attacks. This leads to the weakening and pigmentation of the dental enamel (the shinny and protective layer of our teeth), as well as the formation of cavities. Altogether, this is a constant threat to the whiteness of our dental pieces.
The villains
The main causes of this damage are the acids present in energetic drinks, sodas, juices, coffee, wine, sweets, amongst others. They can also be produced by non-beneficial bacteria in our mouth in the presence of high quantities of sugar. Once they are in contact with our teeth, the acids remove mineral ions from the enamel leaving it’s surface soft, porous and vulnerable.
Other damaging components are the chromophores (pigments) such as tannins. These are present in beverages such as coffee, black tea and wine. They adhere to the porosity of the enamel, staining the teeth and taking away the whiteness of our smile.
The heroes
Minerals like calcium and phosphate that are present in saliva and in the TeethTabs, constantly help re-mineralizing the enamel and give it its hardness back. They also neutralize the acidity caused by the food after we eat.
What can I do?
The best way to prevent this, which is also friendly to our wallet, is to not abuse the consumption of these products and to maintain good dental hygiene.
However, we know we can’t always refuse a nice morning coffee, a juice during lunch or a snack here and there. This is why we offer you some tips to prevent tooth decay.
If you do eat sugary foods and sweetened or acidic beverages, have them with your meals, instead of between them and avoid them before bedtime.
Do not sip on these beverages throughout the day. In that way your teeth are exposed to the acids for longer periods of time. The same thing happens with sticky snacks or those which take long to dissolve in the mouth.
Have these foods and beverages with water. This will take away a bit of the acidity off your mouth. In the same way, if you don’t have your TeethTabs and toothbrush at hand, rinse your mouth with water after eating/drinking or use -sugarless- chewing gum.
Wait 20 minutes before brushing your teeth after eating. As we mentioned before, food increases the acidity in your mouth leading to enamel softening, which makes it more vulnerable to the friction of the brushing. Your saliva needs time to neutralize the acidity and allow the enamel to harden.
Eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber. This stimulates the production of saliva.
These actions always go hand in hand with good dental hygiene and at least two visits per year to the dentist.
With these advice and TeethTab always on your side, you can enjoy your lifestyle, take care of your smile and contribute to maintaining oceans free of plastic.
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Thank you for reading us.
Your team, TeethTab.
También puedes encontrar este post en Español.
Our references
Carvalho TS, et al. Erosive effect of different dietary substances on deciduous and permanent teeth. Clin Oral Investig. 2017 Jun;21(5):1519-1526. doi: 10.1007/s00784-016-1915-z. Epub 2016 Jul 23. PMID: 27449386.
Carlos NR, et al. Influence of Staining Solutions on Color Change and Enamel Surface Properties During At-home and In-office Dental Bleaching: An In Situ Study. Oper Dent. 2019 Nov/Dec;44(6):595-608. doi: 10.2341/18-236-C. Epub 2019 Apr 29. PMID: 31034349.
Artículo de la BBC con Juan Carlos Llodra Calvo, experto en odontología preventiva y comunitaria de la Universidad de Granada y director ejecutivo del Consejo General de Colegios de Dentistas de España. "Seis hábitos frecuentes que estropean tus dientes".